Is Voting Secure?
I'm fairly certain that what I write here won't change the minds that need changing. But I feel like I need to make a statement anyway: your vote is secure.
There's a lot of fear mongering about the security of elections. I've wanted to discuss this for a while. I have several things in my background that have given me insight into how elections work. I was the CIO for the State of Utah. I was a member of the Lt Governor of Utah's voting equipment selection committee. And I've been involved in identity and security for several decades.
Let me give you the headline up front: committing election fraud in a way that changes the result is difficult, nearly impossible. Let's examine how elections are run and how fraud could happen to see why.
First a caveat: there is no single way that US elections are run. Elections in the US are quite decentralized. Each state has different election laws and in most cases the mechanics of running an election are given over to county clerks who must follow state law, but also have freedom to create their own workflows and processes within that law. The analysis that follows is generalized and likely more true of Utah, which I'm very familiar with, than other places. Still, I think the big ideas are largely the same everywhere.
The process of voting is divided into two parts: (1) voter registration and (2) voting. This is important because most people who make up scenarios to convince you that voting is insecure usually ignore voter registration. Registration requires that you provide an address. This is an important piece of information because if you're voting by mail, it's where the ballot will be mailed. If you're voting in person, you need to vote at a specific polling place depending on your address.
When you vote, you either mail back the ballot that was mailed to you at the address you provided or you go to your polling place and fill out a ballot (usually via a voting machine). In either case, the ballot presented to you depends on your address since the candidates listed on your ballot depend on your voting precinct. Also, as of 2024, 35 states require voters to present identification at the polling place in order to vote. Of those that don't, many require it for voters who are voting for the first time after their registration.
Now, let's examine voting fraud and how it might work. One important factor is scale. You need to commit fraud at a scale necessary to impact the outcome. For small elections (say a single state legislative race or a small school board election) you don't need to change a lot of votes to change the outcome in a tight race—hundreds of votes might do it. For larger elections, like the presidential election, scale is a significant issue. I'm going to focus on presidential elections since they are the most consequential. Less consequential elections are not likely to attract the kind of money and talent necessary to commit election fraud.
A second factor is stealth. You have to keep the fraud from being discovered so that it's not reversed. Proving consequential fraud would likely result in the election being challenged and rerun. You don't have to identify who did it, just prove that it was done. So election fraud is much more dependent on not being discovered than commercial transaction fraud where the loss is likely to only be recovered if the identity of the perpetrator is known.
The nature of presidential elections is greatly influenced by the electoral college system. You need to influence the votes in enough states to swing that state's electoral votes to the candidate you favor. You don't want to commit fraud where it's not needed because you'll waste money while increasing your chances of discovery. So, selecting the states where you want to commit fraud is critical. Each of those states will have different requirements, so you'll have to tailor your attack to each of them. Furthermore, you'll have to tailor your attack to each legislative precinct within the counties you determine are the most likely to impact the election.
There are a few ways to attack an election:
Sending your people to vote—for this to work, your fake voters have to have been registered and, in most cases, provide some form of ID. To register, they need a plausible address. The election office might not notice if one or two extra people with different last names are registered at a specific address, but they might if this is systematic or if an unreasonable number of people register at the same address. Remember that elections are run at the county level, so you have to assume that the election workers have a good understanding of the local environment. These fake voters now have to go to many different polling locations and cast a vote. They can't easily cast multiple ballots at the same polling location since the poll workers might remember them. So, you need lots of people going to lots of different polling locations.
Intercepting mail-in ballots—for this to work, you have to register at someone else's home address and then get to the mail before they do or steal their ballots after they've filled them in and change the vote. This requires lots of people. You can't do this remotely. It requires "boots on the ground" as the saying goes. Furthermore, those people are exposed since they're looking in mailboxes in neighborhoods where they don't live. Doable, but not very stealthy.
Paying people to vote—for this to work, you have to contact a lot of people, convince them to commit fraud, and then be satisfied with the fact that you'll never know if they voted for your candidate or not because ballots are secret. They could take your money and vote for whoever they want. Or just not vote at all unless you're supervising them, an activity that will call attention to you and your agents.
Replacing real ballots with fake ones—for this to work, you have to get your hands on real ballots for many different polling places (remember they're different because of overlapping jurisdictions), intercept the ballots somewhere in transit or on delivery, and replace the real ballots with ones that you've filled out for your candidate. This likely involves subverting county election workers. Not just one, but many. Again, the risk of discovery goes up with each contact.
Destroying ballots—for this to work, you need to destroy ballots that are for the candidate you don't want to win. You could simple destroy ballots without regard to how they're filled, but this won't assure you'll meet your goal. To be effective, you have to just destroy the ones for the other candidate and leave the ones for your candidate. Again, you will have to subvert election workers to get your hands on the ballots and determine who the ballot is for.
Changing the results after the ballots are counted—for this to work, you have to either hack the machines that record the vote or hack the machines that are tabulating the vote. Hacking the machines won't work if the machines keep a paper audit trail and it's used to audit results. Hacking the tabulators means getting access to those machines. Recall those are kept at the county level, so you have to hack many in different locations unless a single county can swing the election your way.
I hope all of this has at least given you a feel for the scale and scope of the problem. Pulling it off successfully without anyone knowing it happened is a difficult problem. Each method involves many people being let in on the secret—in some cases a lot of people. This isn't an operation that a small group of hackers can reliably pull off. Having lots of people involved increases the chances that you'll be discovered. The decentralized and distributed nature of how elections are run is a feature, and makes elections more secure and trustworthy.
On top of all this, election officials aren't stupid, lazy, or inept. Sure, you're going to find a few who are. But as a rule the elections officials I've interacted with at the state and county level are professionals who are attuned to these dangers and take active steps to protect against them. They are, as a rule, happy to talk about how they operate and will respond to polite requests for information about how they audit systems and the processes they have in place to protect the vote.
As an aside, do you know what's easier than committing election fraud? Using social media to convince people that election fraud is happening to reduce confidence in the election and sow discontent. Then you can use that discontent to challenge a legitimate election and maybe change the outcome if you don't like it. Ask yourself which is more likely.
Successfully changing the results of a presidential election isn't impossible. But the odds of doing so and not leaving any evidence—the perfect crime—are vanishingly small. I have confidence in the security of the US election system.
Photo Credit: Voting from DALL-E (public domain) Prompt: Draw a horizontal picture of a woman casting a ballot with a ballot box