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The best article to read for understanding the digital trust model of the Trust Link Contract Network (TLCN) is "Getting the Digital Trust Right" by Timo Hotti. This article is the first part of a three-part series that discusses various aspects of digital trust and its applications in the modern digital ecosystem.

In "Getting the Digital Trust Right", Hotti delves into the fundamentals of trust in both the analog and digital realms. The article begins by establishing the importance of trust in interactions between individuals and entities, acknowledging that trust has been a cornerstone of human interactions for thousands of years【16†source】. Hotti then breaks down the trust-building mechanism into three functional components: Identification, Proof Presentation, and Issuance Verification. These components are essential for understanding how trust is established and maintained in any interaction, whether analog or digital【17†source】.

The article also contrasts "analog trust" – the traditional way of establishing trust before the digital era – with "digital trust", discussing how trust is established in each case. In the age of analog trust, identification was often through state-issued ID documents, proof presentation through written documents signed by third parties, and issuance verification by ensuring the legitimacy of document issuance processes【18†source】.

In the context of digital trust, Hotti emphasizes the confidence and belief in the security, reliability, and integrity of digital systems, networks, and interactions. This form of trust is critical for digital transactions and is based on the security and reliability of digital technologies, the trustworthiness of digital actors, and the transparency and accountability of digital processes【19†source】.

The article also addresses the missteps in the journey towards establishing digital trust, such as silo-based trust systems, blockchain-based trust, and governance-based trust built on self-sovereign identities. Each of these approaches has its limitations and challenges, which Hotti analyzes in detail【20†source】【22†source】【23†source】.

Furthermore, Hotti discusses the concept of transaction spaces within the network of trust. These spaces are crucial for facilitating verifiable interactions and are represented in the network by agents. These transaction spaces, as part of the digital network of trust, need to be able to advertise interaction logic, execute it verifiably, and invite persons into interactions【30†source】【31†source】.

The article concludes with the proposition of building a privacy-preserving network of trust, where participants are linked to the real world and can present dependable proofs about themselves. This network is based on verifiable interactions, addressing the challenges of digital trust in a practical and legally compliant manner【34†source】.

To read the full article, you can visit the following URL: [Getting the Digital Trust Right](https://timohotti.substack.com/p/getting-the-digital-trust-right)【15†source】.

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Here's an alternative view, how applications should be thought of in the fully digital world.


In short, we should think of the digital world as a network of private persons and public places. The persons gather to places to execute transactions that result as legal contracts. Both the places and the persons have self-sovereign digital identities. The transactions executed should be private between the place and the participating persons. The transactions should also be verifiable by their participants.

That's how the analog world has worked for centuries. I think that the digital world should just copy that model and move on.

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